Irrigation monitors and frost monitors with wireless connection
Since 1999 DPS-Promatic manufactures, in Italy, a range of irrigation monitors, tensiometers and frost alarms, both stand-alone with local display or with wireless connection to our servers or to customer servers. Our products are the heart of any DSS (Decision Support System), for which we may also provide the data collection and computing service on our servers. Read a description of what our DSS systems can do for you. Please find below a list of our products and don't hesitate to CONTACT us for any further information.

AGM3-C central unit
Technical specifications:
- Transmits data to the internet using GSM/GPRS technology
- Solar panel with integrated battery charger
- Battery operation lasts for days even in cloudy conditions
- Connects up to 4 peripheral units distant up to 5 Km using LORA technology
- Strong and weather resistant
- Data format freely available. You can build your own service or use our server, as you like.
- Developed in cooperation with Agrimil Tech, a company with years of experience in irrigation management.

AGM3-P peripheral unit
The AGM3-P peripheral unit connects using state-of-the-art LORA technology
to the central unit, that will deliver data to the internet.
This unit is powered with 3 AA batteries and can be positioned as far as 5 Km
(in flat areas) from the central unit
These are the specifications:
- Measures water soil humidity using up to 4 WaterMark sensor.
- Sends data to the AGM3 central unit using long distance LORA wireless technology.
- Powered by 3 AA batteries that last about 4 months.
- Developed in cooperation with Agrimil Tech, a company with years of experience in irrigation management.

WS-04 stand-alone wireless tensiometer
The WS-04 wireless tensiometer can measure data from 4 watermark probes
with local reading on display and send them to the internet with NbIot, a new wireless technology
that is part of the 5G technologies already available.
These are the specifications:
- Measures water soil humidity using up to 4 WaterMark sensors
- Sends data to the internet using NbIot wireless technology
- Measured data can be read on local display
- Powered by 1 Lithium battery that lasts for 1 year
- Developed in cooperation with Agrimil Tech, a company with years of experience in irrigation management.

FAL-01 Frost monitor and alarm
The FAL-01 frost monitor measures air temperature, relative humidity
and computes dew point with high accuracy. Data can be read locally
and are sent to the internet with new NbIot 5G technology, already available in most areas.
Thanks to FAL-01 you can stay home waiting for the alarm or anyway you can check
data on-line without spending time (freezing) at the location when is not really needed.
These are the specifications:
- Measures air temperature with 0.1°C division and relative humidity. Calculates Dew Point.
- Sends data to the internet using NbIot wireless technology
- Measured data can be read on local display
- Powered by 1 Lithium battery that lasts for 1 year
- Sends Alarms via e-mail or APP.

FW4: Frost monitor and irrigation monitor
The FW4 frost monitor measures air temperature, relative humidity
and computes dew point with high accuracy. In addition to this
it can connect up to 4 irrometer watermark probes to monitor irrigaion.
Data can be read locally and are sent to the internet with new NbIot 5G technology,
already available in most areas.
FW4 is the complete solution for year-round monitoring problems for most crops,
as for example, kiwis. FW4 can assist you in fighting spring frost and later
on in monitoring proper irrigation, to avoid crops diseases.
These are the specifications:
- Measures air temperature with 0.1°C division and relative humidity (B). Calculates Dew Point. Measures water potential in centibar (0-200) using the well proven watermark probes (C). It can connect up to 4 probes.
- Sends data to the internet using NbIot wireless technology
- Measured data can be read on local display
- Powered by 1 Lithium battery that lasts for 1 year
- Sends Alarms via e-mail or APP.

TS-01 portable tensiometer
The TS-01 portable tensiometer is useful to monitor manually crops irrigation.
It provides read-out on a display and can be easily connected with irrometer
probes installed in various locations.
These are the specifications:
- Measures water potential in centibar (0-200) using the irrometer probes.
- Measured data can be read on display
- Powered by 3 AAA batteries

AWS-X professional weather station
The AWS-X is a professional weather station used in many countries to monitor
environmental parameters and obtain important data for evapotranspiration,
cold hours calculation, crop diseases and DSS (Decision Support System).
For further information about the AWS-X weather station, please check out
These are the specifications:
- It can measure many parameters, depending on the installed sensors: wind, rain, air temperature and humidity, soil moisture, barometric pressure solar radiation, leaf wetness, soil temperature
- It has its rechargeable battery, with solar panel charger
- Connects to the internet with GSM/GPRS technology
- It can send data to our server or you can choose to use your own server